Our Primary Program: The Bedrock
For a child to find their curiosity and passions with confidence they need to have fundamental skills. A core fundamental is our SEEL program (Social Emotional Ethical Learning), our learners are emotionally connected, active and know who they are. We place Language Arts and Numbers Enquiry as our academic bedrock. Through these fundamentals our learners know how to read, how to express themselves, how to research and communicate their needs. They build a toolset for social connectivity, and have the ability to explore the power of words. In Numbers Enquiry our learners are able to play with numbers - manipulate them in a way that relates to real word budgeting, building, design and so much more. Our learners can express themselves through numbers with patterns, problem solving and data creation.
Alongside our fundamentals we have our two key explorations: Natural Sciences and Creative Arts. Through these programs students develop appreciation, understanding and awe of our planet. It opens up our learners to a range of possibilities in how they experience life. With the mindset of “you don’t know unless you try,” we encourage curiosity to create project based learning adventures.
Inquiry Led and Curiosity Driven
You LOVE surfing? How can you show that through photography? How can you deepen your understanding of wave power through science and technology? What does it mean to conserve and protect your home surf break? Or perhaps, you have a BIG passion for animals? How can you raise awareness through spoken word or storytelling? How can you protect and curate a flourishing ecosystem that nurtures your favorite species of fish?
Our primary program is our bedrock program which provides the students with the learning coral that continues to grow and flourish throughout their educational journey.
Our Methodology
Active Enquiry
Learners are actively involved in the process of thinking, discussing, investigating and creating. Problem-based and case-based enquiry actively engages learners to explore and ask questions to acquire new knowledge.
Experiential Learning
Learners develop knowledge and skills from direct experience. This relates to project based learning in which learners actively engage in real world and meaningful projects.
Joy Seekers
We focus on creating joyful learning environments that enhance learners' enthusiasm and foster deeper understanding. This includes creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel safe and valued.
Place Based Learning
Our grounding in place and space is an instrumental part of our teaching pedagogy, it is an anytime, anywhere learning that leverages the power of place in which students gain agency and connections to their community. It aligns a knowledge of local ecosystems providing an environmental and cultural consciousness.
Growth Mindset
Our holistic learning approach considers who the learners are, their beliefs, attitudes and experiences. We are process focused with engagement and effort being key to knowledge building. Reflection is a key tool to support future knowledge and ability growth. When students see their growth and understand their journey, it can be a source of joy and pride.
Our Global Frameworks
UK Primary literacy curriculum
This curriculum informed the creation of our Language Arts Fundamental to ensure our learners are connected to an international benchmark. We developed it alongside our Aspirations and Mission to ensure our learners are confident in their approach to reading and expressing themselves through the written word.
Common core & mindset maths
The Common Core is a USA based mathematical program that we love for the way it develops skills and critical thinking rather than rote learning. We have partnered this with Mindset Math that builds an exciting way to deliver maths to help learners learn to love the subject. Together these inform our Number Enquiry Fundamental.
U.N. Ocean literacy
At Uluwatu School, the ocean is part of our teaching team. We have a responsibility as a community to know more about the ocean and our relationship with her. Together with the UN Ocean Literacy Principles that have informed our termly thematics, and we will continue to develop our ocean studies program and our commitment to empower ocean lovers, activists, and guardians!
Future9 Competencies
Future9 Competencies are “nine essential skill sets to prepare young people to navigate, and help shape our future world in a free, open-resource framework to power your vision of learning for all.” These competencies inform our Upper School program and the language that is used for assessment, profiles and learner reflections.
SEEL Learning
For the Social and Emotional Well Being program at Uluwatu School we have connected to whole body care and understanding through the addition of movement. Our educators are trained in the SEEL program, and we continue to adapt and evolve to our community. It is part of our everyday routine.
Inner developmental goals
The Inner Developmental Goals is “a non-profit, open-source initiative committed to fostering inner development towards more sustainable futures.” This framework partners with the Ocean Literacy for our chosen termly thematics. We believe this framework to be crucial in supporting young people navigate their future and the future of the planet.